A Nature Cure Retreat
God's magnificent outdoor automatic healthcare system is embedded into nature. God emphasized this over and over again in the writing of Ellen White. This retreat would finally emphasize what God emphasized rather than what Man tends to emphasize. Man's therapies would take a FAR back seat to the healing agencies of nature. It will be in a beautiful surrounding, with organic gardens, mostly open-air glamping tents, mostly off-grid.
The most amazing recovery stories come from the open-air healing facilities of history and the therapies which are in harmony with Natural Law healthcare and Eden principles. Just think of the healing stories that would come out of such an end-time health recovery program. We start small. The images below show the inspiration for such a a back-to-nature retreat and what it may look like in its beginning stages.

Our dream will likely start with glamping-like beginnings. Which might also provide the income to grow it into a natural health recovery encampment. This image is a quaint example of community dining area in a tent. We don't need tall buildings, or expense medical equipment, just a close relationship with nature and the God of Nature.

These tent colonies were used around the world during the war on TB. Patients who were housed in outdoor open-air tents fared FAR better than those treated indoors in hospitals! Only half the deaths as those treated indoors. Sunshine, fresh air, the healing fragrances of the evergreens, etc.

This can be an important open-air healing module to go along with a regular lifestyle ctr. It may be used in numerous ways. They may be used as a glamorous camping experience (Glamping), they can morph to an open-air health vacation, which can morph to a tent colony to treat those with infectious diseases, to an open-air sanitarium, to housing for the persecuted and those that are fleeing the cities. These could easily be self-supporting. Very inexpensive, no building codes required (tents are temporary, and mobile, and thus mostly under the radar) an off the grid venture, like the pioneers. The layout and design here shown is uninspiring at best. We can do better.

A fascinating 6 minute video of a family that built their home out of a compound of tents. Cheap, fast, healthy open-air living, no building codes. Tents are considered temporary and mobile. Far more dwellings can be made with far less money, and much better health. We are not required to construct costly edifices to carry on the medical missionary work.

Dr. Rollier ran these clinics in the mountains of Leysin, Switzerland during the war on TB. The clinics produced astonishing recoveries from end-stage TB. The before and after images and stories were amazing. They used no drugs, no surgery, just sunlight, fresh air, useful labor, rest, the social cure, a vegetarian diet, and the trees and beauty of nature. See Leysin Sun Cure Images on this website.

This was an industry that kept these boys and men healthy. The boys at The School of The Sun would oftentimes join the men at the agriculture colonies for their therapeutic exercise in the sunlight and fresh air. It hardened them against TB and other infectious diseases. Many were far more robust and healthy after this cure than before they even got sick! This was healthcare DONE RIGHT!

God has embedded our healthcare into nature – year-round. When we separate ourselves from nature, we separate ourselves from our healthcare.
God has embedded our healthcare into nature – year-round. When we separate ourselves from nature, we separate ourselves from our healthcare.
The general health of Dr. Rollier’s patients proved quite remarkable. “Visitors often commented on the lack of coughs and colds among children who were so exposed.” The Sun Cure, 1927

THE SCHOOL IN THE SUN - Cergnat, Switzerland:
This was an open-air school. These open-air schools were found all over the world. It was a school, but also a "preventorium".

Dr. Rollier did this in several ways at his Sun Cure Clinics in Leysin Switzerland during the war on TB. The "Clinique Manufacture", The "Farm Colony", The "Work Colony", "The School In the Sun", and even the bed-ridden patients had different work to do. This was all done to enable patients to receive sunlight therapy while simultaneously performing useful meaningful labor such as gardening, manufacturing, school, and all manor of industry - even while confined to bed. And, this enabled patients to contribute to their healthcare expenses, and their mental state. See my presentation called "The Sun Cure" which includes details and historical photos and before and after images. It's a VERY efficient way to work and heal. See also the Leysin Sun Cure Images on this website:
Dr. Rollier did this in several ways at his Sun Cure Clinics in Leysin Switzerland during the war on TB. The "Clinique Manufacture", The "Farm Colony", The "Work Colony", "The School In the Sun", and even the bed-ridden patients had different work to do. This was all done to enable patients to receive sunlight therapy while simultaneously performing useful meaningful labor such as gardening, manufacturing, school, and all manor of industry - even while confined to bed. And, this enabled patients to contribute to their healthcare expenses, and their mental state. See my presentation called "The Sun Cure" which includes details and historical photos and before and after images. It's a VERY efficient way to work and heal. See also the Leysin Sun Cure Images on this website:

We should have done this during the drug cartel wars of 2020 - 2022

“The surgeon general of the Mass. State Guard, William A. Brooks, held that patients did not do as well in an ordinary hospital, no matter how well ventilated, as they did outdoors. Patients in indoor sun parlors were not exposed to direct sunlight all day as they were when outdoors. He reported that in one general hospital with 76 cases, 20 patients died within three days and 17 nurses fell ill. By contrast, according to one estimate, the regimen adopted at the outdoor camp reduced the fatality of hospital cases from 40% to about 13%. Brooks wrote that “The efficacy of open-air treatment has been absolutely proven, and one has only to try it to discover its value.”
The Open-air Treatment Of Pandemic Influenza.
Am J Public Health. 2009 Oct;99
Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S236-42.
Hobday RA, Cason JW.
Am J Public Health. 2009 Oct;99
Suppl 2(Suppl 2):S236-42.
Hobday RA, Cason JW.

Dr. Kellogg created these for the patients. It was a practical application of our health message - It enabled them to obtain as much sunlight and fresh air as possible. They considered sunlight to be one their most effective therapies. The Sanitarium had two open-air gymnasiums - one for women, one for men. TALL privacy fences encompassing a large area that included a pool, exercise equipment areas, play areas, relaxing areas, cots, wood chopping, trees, etc. We could create these with large gardens to tend, industry to do while in the sun that can help users offset expenses, or support the effort, etc. They also offered individual private sunbathing booths as needed. See my presentation called "The Sun Cure"
Dr. Kellogg created these for the patients. It was a practical application of our health message - It enabled them to obtain as much sunlight and fresh air as possible. They considered sunlight to be one their most effective therapies. The Sanitarium had two open-air gymnasiums - one for women, one for men. TALL privacy fences encompassing a large area that included a pool, exercise equipment areas, play areas, relaxing areas, cots, wood chopping, trees, etc. We could create these with large gardens to tend, industry to do while in the sun that can help users offset expenses, or support the effort, etc. They also offered individual private sunbathing booths as needed. See my presentation called "The Sun Cure"

This was created by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg on his own property for the health of the neighborhood children. Staff from The Battle Creek Sanitarium would monitor their health. It was a preventorium in the form of a playground. They had time just for boys, and time just for girls. They wore very little clothing in order to boost their immune systems in the sunlight.

EGW: "I shall have more to say about these matters later, but I wish now to say that all patients should keep out of doors as much as possible, and many will be benefited by sleeping in the open air. My lady workers have slept out on the veranda all winter and have been free from coughs and colds."
21LtMs, Lt 204, 1906, par. 9
21LtMs, Lt 204, 1906, par. 9
There are SOOO many historical images and stories available about this unexpected aspect of nature!


To prevent the spread of TB, many children were taken to preventoriums to boost their immune systems by fresh air, sunshine, rest, exercise, and healthy food. And it worked.

MARY JANE'S FARM - Moscow, Idaho
This is an example of an indoor industry and glamping. As would organic gardening, medicinal herb industry, tent-making, etc.

This converted barn was on Dr. Kellogg's home property and was connected to his Sunshine Playground. It was used to teach practical health skills to the neighborhood children and their parents. It was also kind of like a social club for the community and mothers. It built relationships with the community.

A robust selection of light therapy devices when sunlight was not available.

Every Sunday a friend of ours offered a Detox Sunday at her home. She had a number of interesting options, one of them was a Light Bath - everybody wanted that option. She made good money doing this just once a week. The light bath in the photo is mine. It's an original from The Battle Creek Sanitarium. I teach both light therapy and heliotherapy (sunlight therapy)

This is the sort of thing we are hoping to create (if God opens the way) for an indoor "sunlight" experience during the winter. Very bright and warm white light, with very low-dose UV (black light).
This is a room-size "light bath" with bright visible light, infrared, and low-dose UV. This would be a place where people would want to be! An amazing social, and health-building option that could also be a source of income. We intend to offer this in conjunction with our other light therapy treatments/options. It would also work very well in conjunction with our "Detox Sunday" events.

When God placed Adam and Eve in The Garden of Eden, they were surrounded by nature, ALL of which was designed to keep them healthy - automatically, without them even trying. And different parts of nature had different jobs in keeping Adam and Eve healthy - far more than just sunlight. Eden showcased for us all, the ideal lifestyle for health and healing. Working and living outdoors IS our healthcare. Nothing of man can come close to its healing power. Treating the sick is so much simpler, easier, and vastly cheaper when we do things God's way rather than our way.

And we are going to need to be ready when the next waves of man-made plagues hit mankind. We will need every agency of nature to combat what's already coming for us. God has made provisions for the terrible emergencies of this age.